Voluntariado en Lombok

¡Hazte voluntario en Lombok con Abroad Escape! Vive la aventura de tu vida convirtiéndote en voluntario en uno de nuestros 6 programas de voluntariado y experiencias en Lombok. Nuestros programas de voluntariado en Lombok te ofrecen la oportunidad de crear tu propio horario en los proyectos de voluntariado. ¡Con nosotros, puedes empezar desde 1 semana, crear tu propio horario único, e incluso combinar todos los lugares, todo esto por precios asequibles a partir de 595 euros que son todo incluido sin ningún tipo de inscripción o gastos de administración!

Cree su propio horario con nosotros


¿Listo para embarcarte en una aventura inolvidable? Sumérgete en nuestro increíble programa de voluntariado en el extranjero, que ofrece una amplia gama de proyectos impactantes adaptados a tus pasiones. 

Con la libertad de elegir tu propio horario único como quieras semana a semana. Con nosotros, tienes el poder de crear tu propio programa de voluntariado a medida que se alinee con tus pasiones e intereses. Tienes la flexibilidad de empezar cualquier lunes y quedarte entre una y ocho semanas.

Si eres un voluntario apasionado con un corazón para nutrir las mentes jóvenes y un afán por transformar vidas, entonces estos programas están hechos a tu medida. Estas oportunidades te ofrecen una plataforma ideal para canalizar tu entusiasmo y crear un impacto positivo en la vida de la población local.

Por qué unirse a Abroad Escape

Abroad Escape se compromete a proporcionarte las experiencias de viaje más significativas y de mayor calidad posibles. Con nuestros proyectos de voluntariado internacional en el extranjero y prácticas de inmersión, tendrás la oportunidad de tener un impacto real en las vidas de las comunidades locales. Con nuestros programas de voluntariado de inmersión, tendrás la oportunidad de comprometerte con las comunidades locales y tener un impacto real en las vidas de quienes te rodean. Pero eso no es todo: también crearás amistades para toda la vida con otros viajeros internacionales que comparten tu pasión por viajar y por tener un impacto positivo.

volunteer luang prabang laos

Welcome to Lombok

Lombok, isla situada a unos 35 kilómetros al este de Bali, está habitada principalmente por el pueblo sasak. Lombok es famosa por sus pintorescas playas y excelentes lugares para practicar surf. Frente a la costa occidental de Lombok, las islas Gili, libres de vehículos a motor, ofrecen playas adicionales, arrecifes vibrantes para bucear y practicar esnórquel, y un criadero de tortugas marinas.

We are Loved ♥️ by our Trusted Customers


Hice un voluntariado con Abroad Escape, que fue sin duda el mejor viaje y la mejor experiencia de mi vida.


Fui voluntaria en Abroad Escape, que fue El programa fue una gran experiencia para mí. Los niños a los que enseñé eran muy inteligentes y felices. El mejor viaje y la mejor experiencia de mi vida.



Me lo pasé muy bien en el voluntariado. Me gustó mucho la experiencia y me encantaría volver en el futuro.

Su llegada

Prepárese para una cálida bienvenida. Su aventura comienza en el momento de su llegada con nuestro servicio de recogida en el aeropuerto el domingo, cuando le recogeremos en el aeropuerto y le llevaremos a su alojamiento. Para garantizar una transición fluida, le facilitaremos todos los datos de llegada y contacto necesarios cuando reserve su programa. El equipo local te estará esperando, listo para trasladarte a tu alojamiento, donde conocerás a otros voluntarios de todo el mundo.

Su orientación

El lunes, nuestro experimentado coordinador dirigirá una emocionante sesión de orientación. Esta es su oportunidad para sentirse cómodo con su entorno y sumergirse en la cultura local, al tiempo que recibe importantes consejos sobre salud y seguridad.

Durante la orientación, recibirás una introducción completa a tu programa, alojamiento y los emocionantes proyectos que te esperan. Además, aprenderás todo lo que hay que hacer y lo que no hay que hacer en las costumbres locales, lo que te dará una ventaja a la hora de sumergirte en la rica y vibrante cultura local.

Tu alojamiento

El alojamiento está incluido desde el domingo por la noche hasta el sábado por la mañana de la última semana. Te alojarás en habitaciones compartidas con otros voluntarios, lo que te dará la oportunidad perfecta de hacer amigos de todo el mundo para toda la vida. Te alojarás en dormitorios de un solo sexo. 

También se incluyen 3 comidas al día de lunes a viernes, y dos comidas al día los fines de semana. Y si eres vegetariano, podemos organizarte comidas vegetarianas.

Proyecto Lombok

Puedes elegir qué proyecto quieres realizar semana a semana y crear tu propio horario en Lombok.

Culture Week in Lombok

Experience the unique culture of Lombok, enjoy with fellow participants, and take part in interesting activities to understand the local way of living!

During this exciting week, you will be able to understand the traditional culture of Lombok, take a city tour to find out interesting places to hang out when you are free, learn the local language and cooking styles of the locals in Lombok, and go on a spiritual tour to one of the sacred temples in Lombok.

Lombok Culture Week is the week of an interesting tour around Senggigi Town. You will be here to experience the local way of living and of course, you will be able to immerse in the culture and lifestyle of Lombok people known as “Sasak”.

During the Culture week, you will join all interesting activities which will be carried out in many locations. First, you will be participating with the local staff to learn about the Culture in Lombok, the Bahasa class will teach you the basics of the Indonesian language and then you will roam around the town which is surrounded by beautiful sceneries and a peaceful atmosphere.

You will get experiences about the pottery arts of Lombok and also traditional cooking classes including cultural Ketupat making. Moreover, they will take you to visit the Islamic Centre in Lombok.

Finally, we will go to visit the old temple which we call Forever Young Temple; you can clean yourself to take off the bad things and pray for good things. This also consists of a public swimming area where you can enjoy a swim with the locals.

Aims & Objectives

To introduce you to the authentic Lombok culture and immerse you in it. By doing so, you will experience the best and the closest you can get to this impressive culture.


Monday would be the first day of your Culture Week where you will learn about the do’s and don’ts in Lombok and take a walking tour around Sengigi town and the beach. Then in the afternoon, you will take part in a special cultural introduction class to dig deeper into the culture of Lombok.

On the second day of the culture week, you will learn to make Ketupat like a local! In fact, you learn how the traditional Ketupat is made and also you will learn how to make a flower offering. Then, you will learn to cook a local meal so that you can try that out once you go back to your country.

On Wednesday, you will be visiting a pottery village to explore the traditional pottery-making styles of the locals. And you can also try to make your own pot as well. After lunch, you will then join the Bahasa class where you will learn the basic language phrases so that you can utilize them when you spend time with the locals.

Thursday morning, you will visit the Islamic Center to learn more about the culture in Lombok. Then, you will master the local language thoroughly after lunch.

Friday you will be visiting one of the most exciting places in Lombok which is known as the ‘Forever Young Temple’. At this temple, you will be able to drink holy water which is also known as ‘Forever Young Water’. Once you spend some time here experiencing the traditions, you will return to your center. In the evening, you will take part in the project meeting to find out more about your projects in the coming weeks in Lombok.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events.

Kindergarten in Lombok

Work in local kindergartens in Lombok’s surroundings by teaching the children basic English in an informal and fun way! By working with the children, you will get a real taste of the Lombok lifestyle. Moreover, through informal teaching, we aim to plant the seeds of learning as a lifelong habit in the children as well as inculcate an interest in them to learn English.

The kids at the kindergarten in Senggigi are right at the start of their school years and the chance to start learning English at such an early age will prove invaluable for them in the future.

As in kindergartens throughout the world, the teaching is informal as the children will want to play with you more than be ‘taught’. However, by simply getting them interested in coming to school, and giving them some very basic English phrases such as simple greetings, you may well have sown the seeds of a lifelong learning habit.

The children will all be excited to see you and be exceptionally welcoming, partly due to the natural and genuine friendliness of the people of Lombok but also because you will be one of the few foreigners they have ever met!

Aims & Objectives

To support local kindergartens by helping to take care of the children, playing with them and teaching them basic English.


Monday to Friday
After an early morning breakfast, you will leave for the kindergarten to teach little children nursery rhymes, basic English phrases, etc. Typically, you will be at the kindergarten in the morning for 2 hours. You would have to share the class with the local teacher. You can take up the class for 1 hour and in the other 1 hour, you will be assisting the local teacher while they are teaching. After lunch, you will have time to plan and organize activities for the following day.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events.

Teaching in Lombok

In this teaching program set in the beautiful Lombok setting, you will have the opportunity to teach children a variety of English-based subjects. The week will consist of preparing lessons and teaching children at a local school. You will also have the chance to teach whole classes on your own or with other participants, experiencing a different lifestyle.

The demand for English speakers in Indonesia has never been greater. Children may have the opportunity to learn English at school, but this is usually taught by a local Indonesian teacher, so the children rarely get to practice their conversational skills or hear native English being spoken. While it is entirely up to you what you decide to teach, there is a general syllabus for you to follow and examples of what previous participants have taught.

This project aims to show students that learning English is fun. Participants are encouraged to be creative with their teaching methods—through games, songs, art, sports, and music. If you are new to teaching, you may wish to team up with another participant, as having two or three teachers in the classroom often works well for building confidence and maintaining greater control of the class, whose enthusiasm often spills over into great excitement!

Please note that the teaching plan will be confirmed every Friday, and your work will involve about 4 hours a day on the project.

Aims & Objectives

To support local schools by helping take care of the children, playing with them and teaching them basic English.


Monday to Friday

Typically, you will be preparing the lesson plans in the morning and working at the school in the afternoon from 14.00 to 16.00 hours.

Teaching program follows the same schedule from Monday to Friday. You would prepare the lessons in the morning and will be working at the school in the afternoon after lunch. Once you visit the school every day, you will be teaching English and other relevant subjects to the kids in an interesting manner.

Once you come after work on your first day, you will be attending a meeting to provide feedback regarding the experience. During the other days, once you come back to the accommodation after work, you can relax and have a delicious dinner which pays off all the hard work you have done.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events.

Construction & Renovation in Lombok

This project supports small village communities in and around Lombok. It aims to build and renovate buildings that are essential for the growth and development of the local community.

Throughout the project, you will generally work in schools, centers, playgrounds, and public libraries, and support local families by improving living conditions. This would be based on the “get your hands dirty” approach where your hard work would create a positive change.

The Construction and Renovation project is to support the village community centers such as the village school, village playground, public library, etc. Together we will make a difference for the local villages and children, by supporting them to have better living conditions.

The Construction and Renovation project in Lombok supports small communities in and around the island. It aims to build and renovate buildings that are essential for the growth and development of the local community. Our project helps relieve them of some of the stress and pressure that they are living under. Project participants work under a local foreman (coordinator) who provides guidance and training alongside local families. The project involves hard physical and manual labor, as you will be laying bricks, doing carpentry, painting, laying tiles, and landscaping/gardening.

Aims & Objectives

It aims to build and renovate buildings that are essential for the growth and development of the local community.


On Monday, after breakfast, you will start planning the project you take part in along with the coordinator. Once the planning is done, you will have lunch and then set out to work at the identified community location. Since it is your first day, you will learn about what is required to be done and immediately start working with the support of the coordinator. In the evening, you will come back to the Center and share your feedback at the meeting organized for you.

Tuesday to Friday
From Tuesday to Friday, you will follow the same routine. Now that you have planned what you will be doing at the community locations, you will have some free time till lunch since in the evening you will be working hard to improve the living conditions of the people in need. After lunch, you will start working at the community locations which would be a memorable experience as you will work together with the local community and fellow participants of the project.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events.

Healthcare Education in Lombok

If you are a qualified medical practitioner or a person interested in sharing knowledge in the field, this is the program you need to choose in this amazing location! Under this program, you will either be able to contribute to the development of health care in Lombok by working as a professional or teach basic first-aid, and methods to maintain personal hygiene to the locals.

Our healthcare initiative is in its infancy and requires the skills of both established medical and healthcare professionals, as well as those interested in teaching basic first aid and hygiene. This need arises due to the great extremes in hygiene and health practices.

Qualified Professionals
We need qualified professionals to conduct health camps and dental check-ups in schools and at the community level. These check-ups are conducted only upon the request of a qualified participant before they arrive in Lombok. The purpose of these health camps is to conduct check-ups and direct those in need to local doctors, as participants will not prescribe medicine from the check-ups.

We also need participants who can educate people on basic first aid and personal hygiene. This education helps prevent many avoidable health problems and easily communicable diseases. It might not seem like much at first, but for those interested in teaching simple hygiene practices, you play an essential role. Personal hygiene is often not a common practice among the children you will meet. Simple practices such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and general cleanliness need to be taught to the children.

Goals and Approach
This healthcare education project is not about showing the Western way, but rather about sharing knowledge and raising awareness of the importance of hygiene to prevent and sustain healthcare. We are actively supporting the development of this collaborative initiative beyond teaching the benefits of brushing your teeth, extending to small dental camps and local check-ups.

Your Role
As a healthcare ambassador, you will support our team, other participants, and local professionals in educating families and children in Lombok. Your involvement helps bridge the gap between different hygiene and health practices, contributing significantly to the well-being of the community.

Aims & Objectives

The aim and objective is to work towards the prevention of many avoidable health problems and easily communicable diseases.


In the morning, you will have a meeting with one of our local doctors to get an idea of what you need to know about the general healthcare concerns in Lombok. Then, you will prepare for the activities at the center and leave for the school after lunch to educate children on healthcare. Once you come back after the first day, you will attend a meeting where you can share your feedback regarding the project.

Tuesday to Thursday
Prepare the daily activities after breakfast and leave for the allocated schools/ projects after a delicious lunch. Once you go to your project location, you can then engage with the local children in teaching them first-aid, hygiene, and personal care. You can attractively prepare the activities so that the children would be engaged in the activities easily.

Activities as the previous days. In addition, you will attend a meeting to mark the conclusion of your program. If you stay for another week, the activity plan for the upcoming week will be confirmed today, depending on the school’s plans and needs.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events.

Turtle Conservation in Lombok

Work alongside a local team and help protect the endangered sea turtles of Indonesia on this project in Lombok. Through this program, you will contribute to protecting the turtle population in Lombok by working at our turtle conservation center. Depending on the time of the year (turtles do not nest all year round), you may be identifying turtle species, collecting eggs, monitoring nests, or seeing hatchlings get safely to sea.

Indonesia is a critical hub for sea turtle conservation, boasting a diverse range of turtle species that inhabit its extensive coastline. The most common species found in Indonesian waters include the Olive Ridley Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle, and Leatherback Turtle.

Indonesia is home to numerous nesting sites where female sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. Beaches in places like Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Papua are vital nesting grounds. Conservation efforts often focus on protecting these sites from human disturbances and preserving suitable conditions for successful nesting.

Sea turtles in Indonesian islands face various threats, including habitat destruction due to coastal development, pollution, and climate change. Illegal poaching for meat, eggs, and shells remains a significant concern, and turtles are also vulnerable to accidental capture in fishing gear, impacting their populations.

Turtles are known for their nesting habits, where females lay eggs on sandy beaches. The incubation period and sex determination of turtle eggs are influenced by the temperature during the nesting period. Warmer temperatures typically result in more female hatchlings, while cooler temperatures produce more males. Climate change can pose a threat as it may skew the gender ratio and affect the overall population.

Turtles have a remarkable ability to navigate across oceans, guided by Earth’s magnetic field. They are adapted to life in the water, with streamlined bodies and flipper-like limbs. Turtles are capable of holding their breath for extended periods, but they still need to come to the surface to breathe. They primarily feed on jellyfish, sea grass, and other marine creatures. Turtles face various challenges in their survival journey, including predation, habitat loss, and human-related threats.

Turtles are endangered due to a combination of natural and human-induced threats. Some of the primary dangers include:

Habitat Destruction: Coastal development and pollution can destroy nesting sites and feeding grounds.
Illegal Trade: Turtles and their eggs are often illegally harvested for their meat, shells, and as exotic pets.
Fishing Gear: Turtles can get entangled in fishing gear such as nets and longlines, leading to injuries or death.
Climate Change: Rising temperatures can impact nesting sites and alter the sex ratios of hatchlings.

What is the significance of conserving Sea Turtles?

1. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health:
Sea turtles play a crucial role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems. As both predators and prey, they help control jellyfish populations and contribute to the balance of marine food webs. Their presence influences the abundance and distribution of various species, contributing to overall biodiversity.

2. Tourism and Economic Importance:
Sea turtles contribute significantly to the tourism industry. Many coastal areas with sea turtle populations attract tourists interested in witnessing nesting activities or participating in responsible turtle-watching programs. This ecotourism can provide economic benefits to local communities, supporting conservation efforts and sustainable development.

3. Ocean Health Indicators:
The health and survival of sea turtles can serve as indicators of the overall health of marine environments. Their susceptibility to pollution, habitat degradation, and climate change reflects the broader challenges faced by ocean ecosystems. By monitoring and conserving sea turtle populations, scientists gain insights into the state of the oceans and potential threats to other marine species.

4. Beach Erosion and Habitat Restoration:
Sea turtles contribute to beach health through their nesting activities. As they dig nests and lay eggs, they help aerate the sand, promoting plant growth and reducing beach erosion. Protecting turtle nesting sites also indirectly supports the preservation of coastal habitats, benefiting a variety of other species that rely on these areas for survival.

5. Scientific Research and Education:
Studying sea turtles provides valuable insights into marine biology, behavior, and ecology. Researchers use information gathered from tracking studies, genetic analysis, and population monitoring to enhance our understanding of these ancient creatures. Conservation efforts also involve educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of sea turtles and the need for their protection.

6. Global Connectivity:
Sea turtles are highly migratory species, traveling vast distances across oceans. Their movements connect distant marine ecosystems, making them a globally significant species. Conservation efforts in one region can have positive effects on turtle populations across their entire range, emphasizing the interconnected nature of marine environments.

7. Climate Change Resilience:
Sea turtles face threats from climate change, particularly rising temperatures affecting nest incubation and ocean temperature changes impacting their habitats. Conserving sea turtles becomes part of a broader strategy for building resilience in marine ecosystems against the impacts of climate change.

Sea turtle conservation is of paramount importance due to the ecological, economic, cultural, and scientific significance these creatures hold. Protecting sea turtles not only ensures the survival of a unique and ancient lineage but also contributes to the overall health and resilience of marine ecosystems worldwide.

The Sea Turtle Conservation Project in Lombok

The Turtle Conservation project is located on the charming island of Lombok, which is a 2 hours speedboat ride from mainland Bali. The project, initially launched in Nusa Penida in 2013, is now being expanded to Lombok to broaden our outreach within the island nation and safeguard its sea turtle population, recognized as a vital natural resource.

As a participant, you will work alongside a local team and help protect the endangered sea turtles of Indonesia. You will contribute to conserving the turtles by working at our turtle conservation center. Depending on the time of the year since turtles do not nest all year round, you may be identifying turtle species, collecting eggs, monitoring nests, or seeing hatchlings get safely to sea.

In fact, as part of the marine ecosystem, turtles play a key role in keeping seagrass beds and coral reefs healthy. These, in turn, are important sources of food and shelter for countless marine species.

Moreover, the project has had engagement from the local communities from the beginning. This has been a catalyst for the drastic reduction of sea turtle poaching and for strengthening communities’ capacities to play a crucial role in the protection of the species.

Finally, You must be prepared for a more basic standard of living on the island, with fewer shops and attractions available (bearing in mind the beach is practically at your doorstep)! Besides that, you may also have the best time throughout your stay as you will engage in fun, relaxing and recreational activities held after a long day of your program alongside other participants.

Aims & Objectives

Protecting and promoting the conservation of marine turtles.
To protect and conserve the loggerhead sea turtles and their nesting habitat by various means, such as providing protective hatcheries, treating injured or wounded turtles, conserving their beaches from pollution, and collecting data to better understand the species and their habitats.


Welcome the new arrivals. You will have lunch and receive a short introduction on the beach to familiarize yourself with this new exciting setting. After that, you will get to know more about Lombok, about the supermarket, ATM, etc.

After having breakfast, you will see a presentation about the Turtle Conservation project and also receive a project briefing which will help you to understand the dos and don’ts of the project. After that you will engage in the typical activities you are supposed to do throughout the week such as feeding the turtles, cleaning the tanks, catching live food for turtles, and also cleaning the beach.

In the evening, you will then see a documentary about Turtles which will help you to widen your knowledge about these amazing creatures.

Following breakfast on Tuesday, your tasks will commence with cleaning the tanks, feeding the turtles, and gathering seaweed and live food for their nourishment. Additionally, you will engage in crafting turtle toys, tidying the beach, and administering medication to any injured turtles, if necessary.

After having breakfast on Wednesday, you will start cleaning the tanks, feeding the turtles and collecting seaweed and live food for turtles. In addition, you will also create turtle toys and provide medicine for injured turtles if there are any.

In the evening, you will then engage in some sports activities at the beach where you will play either volleyball, badminton or football.

On Thursday, you will have breakfast and start cleaning tanks, feeding the turtles and collecting seaweed. you will also create turtle toys and provide medicine for injured turtles if there are any.

Thursday night will be a special one for you to enjoy the welcome and farewell dinner by a Bonfire. This would be a great opportunity to get to know the newcomers and say goodbye to those who are leaving.

On Friday, after having breakfast, you will feed the turtles and get an amazing opportunity to release turtles into the sea. But please do understand that this opportunity is only if you are leaving the program this week. (This opportunity will depend on the number of turtles in the center and the number of turtles that can be released every week. Therefore, there is a chance that the turtle release may not be a possibility every week).

If you continue another week at the project, you will engage in regular activities at the turtle conservation center. For those who are leaving the program, there would also be a feedback session regarding the program. After having lunch, you all can engage in activities such as feeding the turtles, cleaning tanks, and measuring the turtle growth.

Other activities you would engage in include cleaning the beach, making garbage bins for the local area, creating a Turtles/Environment campaign for the local area, releasing injured turtles after treatment and cleaning the beach, and turtles site construction work: such as extra turtle tank or wall, painting the walls, etc and collecting turtle information such as length of carapace, size of flippers, checking its weight, etc.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events.

Precios del programa

1 semana: 595 Euro
2 semanas: 745 Euro
3 semanas: 965 Euro
4 semanas: 1195 Euro
+1 semanas: 275 Euro

* Culture & Construction tienen un coste extra de 45 Euro por semana.
** Turtle Conservation tienen un cargo extra de 145 Euro por semana

Qué está incluido:
Programa de voluntariado
Apoyo en el país 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana
Orientación sobre el programa en el país
Apoyo previo a la partida
Recogida en el aeropuerto

No incluye
Vuelo, seguro de viaje, vacunas, comprobación de antecedentes penales, viaje de vuelta al aeropuerto, tasa bancaria internacional del 5%, tasas de visado (todos los voluntarios deben obtener el visado social cultural B211 y normalmente puede tardar hasta 2 semanas o más en conseguirse, te daremos todos los detalles sobre cómo solicitarlo).

Todos los participantes que se unan ÚNICAMENTE a los proyectos de voluntariado deben obtener la visa sociocultural (¡ver excepción a continuación!). Esta visa tiene costos adicionales y puede demorar hasta 15 días hábiles en procesarse. Le brindaremos los detalles sobre cómo solicitar esta visa.

NO necesita esta visa si:
Se une al programa por menos de 30 días
Y se une a uno de los programas de experiencia (Semana de la Cultura, Aventura o Yoga) más 1 o 2 semanas de voluntariado en cualquiera de los proyectos.

En este caso, puede unirse con una visa de turista, que se puede obtener al llegar, para la mayoría de las nacionalidades.

¡La Semana de la Cultura es muy recomendable como su primera semana!

Si se une solo a los proyectos de voluntariado, debe obtener la visa sociocultural. Los costos de esta visa no están incluidos en el precio de nuestro programa.

Requisitos para participar:
– Los participantes deben tener al menos 18 años
– Los participantes menores de 16 años deben inscribirse acompañados de uno de sus padres/tutor.
– Los participantes de 16 a 18 años necesitan el consentimiento paterno
– Los participantes deben presentar un certificado de antecedentes penales (si no pueden obtenerlo, pueden presentar dos cartas de recomendación).
– Los participantes deben tener su propio seguro de viaje.
– Hablar y entender al menos un inglés básico.