2023年と2024年はAbroad Escapeでカンボジアでボランティアしましょう! カンボジアでの当社のボランティア プログラムでは、カンボジアで最もやりがいのある、影響力のあるボランティア プロジェクトで独自のスケジュールを作成する機会を提供します。
私たちは、世界中で質の高いボランティア プロジェクトを最も手頃な価格で提供できるボランティア団体ですカンボジアでは次のプログラムを利用できます。
Siem Reap Culture Week
Siem Reap Education and Teaching
Siem Reap Construction & Renovation
Samraong Greenway School
Samraong Agriculture Development
Samraong Construction & Renovation
Kampot Mangrove Conservation週ごとに自分だけのスケジュールを自由に選択できます。 私たちを使えば、あなたは自分の情熱や興味に合わせてカスタマイズされたボランティア プログラムを作成することができます。 月曜日から開始し、1 週間から 12 週間の間で滞在できる柔軟性があります。
あなたが若い心を育て、カンボジアでの生活を変えたいという熱意を持った情熱的なボランティアであれば、これらのプログラムはあなたにぴったりです。 幼児教育に重点を置いたこれらの機会は、あなたの熱意を伝え、この美しい国の小さな子どもたちの生活にプラスの影響をもたらすための理想的なプラットフォームを提供します。
ご家族やグループでのご参加も可能です。 詳細についてはお問い合わせください。
開始日: 毎週月曜日から開始
期間: 1週間 – 12週間
アブロード エスケープは、可能な限り最高品質で最も有意義な旅行体験を提供することに尽力しています。 当社の海外ボランティア プロジェクトや集中型インターンシップでは、地元コミュニティの生活に真の影響を与えるチャンスが得られます。 私たちの没入型ボランティア プログラムでは、地域コミュニティと関わり、周囲の人々の生活に真の影響を与える機会が得られます。 しかし、それだけではありません。旅行への情熱を共有し、プラスの影響を与える海外旅行者仲間と生涯にわたる友情を築くこともできます。
Years Experience
We are Loved ♥️ by our Trusted Customers
私は Abroad Escape のボランティアに参加しました。これは間違いなく最高の旅行であり、私の人生で最高の経験でした。
このプログラムは私にとって素晴らしい経験でした。 私が教えた子供たちはとても賢くて幸せでした。 彼らはとても熱心に学んでいました。それは驚くべきことでした。
ボランティア活動で素晴らしい時間を過ごさせていただきました。 私は全体的な経験に満足しており、将来また行きたいと思っています!
Your Arrival
温かい歓迎の準備をしましょう! 日曜の空港お迎えで、到着した瞬間から冒険が始まります。 スムーズな移行を確保するために、プログラムを予約する際に必要な到着情報と連絡先の詳細をすべて提供します。 地元のチームがあなたを待っており、世界中からのボランティア仲間と出会う宿泊施設までお送りする準備ができています。
シェムリアップとサムランのすべてのプログラムでは、シェムリアップ国際空港 (REP) に 06:00 ~ 16:00 の間に到着します。
カンポットのすべてのプログラムでは、プノンペン国際空港 (PNH) に 06:00 ~ 14:00 の間に到着します。
Your Orientation
月曜日には、経験豊富なコーディネーターが刺激的なオリエンテーションセッションを開催します。 これは、健康と安全に関する重要なアドバイスを受けながら、周囲の環境に慣れて地元の文化に飛び込むチャンスです。
オリエンテーションでは、プログラム、宿泊施設、そしてこれから待ち受けるエキサイティングなプロジェクトについての包括的な説明を受けます。 さらに、現地の習慣ですべきこと、してはいけないことをすべて学び、カンボジアの豊かで活気に満ちた文化に浸るスタートを切ることができます。
Your Accommodation
他のボランティアと相部屋に滞在することになり、世界中からの生涯の友人を作る絶好の機会となります。 男女別のドミトリースタイルの部屋に宿泊し、最大限の快適さとプライバシーを確保します。
シングルルームをご希望の場合は、追加料金でご利用いただけます。 シングルルームの空室には限りがございますので、お問い合わせください。
しかし、それだけではありません。食事もカバーされています。 月曜から金曜までは 1 日 3 食、週末は 1 日 2 食のおいしいお食事をお楽しみいただけます。 さらに、ベジタリアンの方でも問題ありません。 ベジタリアン料理もご用意いたします。
Accommodation in Siem Reap
宿泊施設は典型的なカンボジアスタイルのゲストハウスをベースとしています。 リビングルームと屋外の2つのテラスなど、いくつかの共用エリアがあります。 また、当宿泊施設は古民家木造民家で、1室4名様の男女別相部屋となっております。
同様に、宿泊施設は扇風機付きで快適で、清潔で、二段ベッドがあり、十分な共用バスルーム、冷水シャワー、流水付きの共用トイレ設備、各部屋のロッカー、施錠可能な部屋が備わっています。 リラックスできるダイニングエリアで紅茶やコーヒーをお楽しみください。
毎日の食事はすべてこのゲストハウスでとられます。 プログラムでは毎日、朝食、昼食、夕食の 3 食が提供されますが、週末はブランチとディナーのみとなります。 滞在中の食事は典型的なカンボジアスタイルで、ご飯や麺料理が豊富に含まれ、時には西洋料理も含まれます。 ただし、食事はお客様の食事制限に基づいて提供されます。
Accommodation in Samraong
サムランの宿泊施設はシンプルでナチュラルな雰囲気です。 ランドリー設備はございませんので、お洗濯は手洗いをお願いいたします。 ただし、街中には低料金で洗濯できる場所がいくつかあります。
すべての場所には、食事をしたり、リラックスしたり、他の参加者と会ったり、無料 Wi-Fi を使用したりできる共用エリアがあります。
より快適さやプライバシーをご希望の参加者、ご家族、カップル、より大人の参加者には、個室へのアップグレードをお勧めします。 これらの客室にはより多くのアメニティがあり、スタンダード ルームとは異なる場所にあるため、著しく静かになる場合があります。
プログラムでは毎日、朝食、昼食、夕食を含む 3 つのおいしい食事が提供されますが、週末はブランチとディナーのみとなります。滞在中の食事は、ご飯や麺料理がたっぷり含まれた典型的なカンボジアスタイルになります。 通常、朝食、昼食、夕食は宿泊センターで提供されます。
Accommodation in Kampot
このプロジェクトはカンポット市から 7 キロ離れたカンボジアの田舎で行われます。そこでは、川に飛び込んだり、デルタ地帯までボートに乗ったり、単に山を眺めたりして、自然を最大限に楽しむことができます。 夜空を照らす無数の星。
伝統的な地元の味を使用した1日3食の食事が提供されます。 共用キッチンもございますので、いつでもご利用いただけます。
Cambodia Programs
シェムリアップ、サムラン、カンポットでのプロジェクト。 週ごとにどのプロジェクトを行うかを選択し、独自のスケジュールを作成できます。 異なる場所を組み合わせることができますが、異なる場所間の移動は含まれません。
Culture Week in Siem Reap
Embark on an exhilarating week filled with adventure, cultural immersion, and unforgettable experiences as you delve into the heart and soul of Cambodia. Get ready to explore, learn, and interact with the local community, allowing you to truly grasp the essence of this captivating country!
Begin your journey in the vibrant city of Siem Reap, a bustling hub known for its backpacker-friendly atmosphere, a famous nearby temple, and an exciting nightlife scene. Here, you will have the opportunity to witness Cambodia through the eyes of the locals, gaining valuable insights into their way of life and immersing yourself in their rich culture.
The culture week is thoughtfully designed to introduce you to the customs, traditions, and pace of Cambodian life. By familiarizing yourself with the surrounding town and its amenities, you’ll have everything you need to ensure a memorable and comfortable stay.
Prepare to be captivated by the country’s most renowned attractions, including the awe-inspiring temples of Siem Reap and Samraong. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Buddhism through a special Q&A session with local monks, deepening your understanding of this ancient religion.
During your stay in the enchanting city of Siem Reap, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in various activities that will enrich your experience. Learn basic “survival” language skills, enabling you to communicate with locals and immerse yourself further in the Cambodian way of life. Discover the secrets of traditional Cambodian cuisine through cooking lessons, where you’ll learn to prepare mouthwatering dishes and savor the fruits of your labor.
One of the highlights of the culture week is the chance to interact with the warm and welcoming local people, who are eager to learn about their own culture. Cambodia’s relaxed and unhurried pace of life allows for meaningful connections and cross-cultural exchange, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Throughout the week, each day holds a unique adventure.
Introduction meeting, House rules, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents
Khmer Do’s and Don’ts, Khmer Culture Lessons and Khmer Language Lessons.
Tour around the compound and local area; where to find local shops
Visit the old market, supermarket, bank, ATM , Sim-card if necessary.
Excursion to Wat Preah Prom Rath and Wat Thmey, a small pagoda
Evening at Pub Street and the night market, the liveliest area of Siem Reap
Bicycle tour to the village to see the lifestyle of the local people.
Bicycle tour to the village to see the lifestyle of the local people
Dinner (BBQ night at the center)
Khmer cooking lesson
Khmer language lesson
Food offering to the Monk at Local temple
Enjoy the view from Phnom Krom (A mountain near Tonle Sap Lake)
Art & Craft Lesson
Project Meeting & Orientation
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
Education and Teaching in Siem Reap
Siem Reap, a vibrant province nestled among Cambodia’s 25 captivating regions, beckons with its allure. Nestled in the north, it boasts more than just the renowned Angkor Wat. Siem Reap promises an enchanting tapestry of experiences waiting to be woven. Beyond the grandeur of Angkor Wat, a realm of marvels unfurls.
At the heart of Siem Reap, where dreams are crafted, lie the schools we collaborate with. Within Wat Svay Village, Sala Kamreuk Commune, Siem Reap town, these beacons of knowledge shine.
The children who come to the schools come from the surrounding villages. Their ages range from 6 to 13. Most currently possess just a basic level of English, but using our established curriculum, we are able to accommodate beginners all the way up to level 5.
Class sizes are typically between 10-45 students. Classrooms are equipped with basic teaching resources, such as a whiteboard and flash cards. You are highly encouraged to bring small learning materials and items to use in your class and/or donate to our school. These things are gratefully received and help to broaden the curriculum and teaching possibilities that we can offer.
The primary mode of transport to and from the accommodation/school will be on bicycles and you will do the project for a minimum of four hours with two shifts, one in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
Don’t worry about not having special qualifications. The whole idea of this program is to provide any help possible, whether it is merely enabling children to hear English pronunciation by native English speakers, or any additional help with other academic subjects or how to use a computer – anything you can offer is very much appreciated. The emphasis is on much-needed language development, additional learning and multi-cultural exchange.
Meanwhile, the core focus of the teaching project will depend upon the needs of the school at that particular point in time. Your main roles will be but are not limited to Teaching English alongside the local teachers, preparing and organizing lessons and meaningful learning activities with the local program coordinator and local teachers, and facilitating learning activities such as playing fun games, arts, songs, dances, grammar and conversational exercises, sports and other related activities, join other activities conducted at the school, prepare assessment exercises, check and Mark the examinations or assessment exercises.
In addition, during the teaching activities, always be on time and be mindful of class schedules and come to school prepared, be creative in preparing lessons in a fun and engaging ways, smile and have lots of patience as you are working with students with various personalities and wear a dress that covers their shoulders and knees, and basically, the more that is covered the better. Men must wear trousers, T-shirts and shoes and strictly follow the dress code policy. You are also expected to actively join other activities.
Of course to enjoy and make the most of your stay and make memorable learning experiences as you touch the lives of these amazing community children.
Introduction meeting, House rules, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents
Khmer Do’s and Don’ts, Khmer Culture Lessons and Khmer Language Lessons.
Tour around the compound and local area; where to find local shops
Visit the old market, supermarket, bank, ATM , Sim-card if necessary.
Excursion to Wat Preah Prom Rath and Wat Thmey, a small pagoda
Evening at Pub Street and the night market, the liveliest area of Siem Reap
Tuesday to Friday
Teaching time with the students is divided into two shifts, with lunch and free time back at the accommodation in between.
After having breakfast at the accommodation, you will go to the placement/school alongside your coordinator for the first shift that begins in the morning from 08:00 -11:00 while the afternoon shift is from 14:00 – 17:00.
You should also expect to spend time working on the next day’s activities/exercises, so that you are prepared and comfortable for the duration of the lesson.
Your typical day will end with dinner that you will surely enjoy together with other participants.
Get ready to enjoy some additional activities designed especially for you.
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
Construction and Renovation in Siem Reap
Siem Reap emerges as a treasured gem among Cambodia’s diverse provinces and capital cities, tucked away in the northern embrace of the land. As travelers venture into its realm, they’re greeted by the splendid Angkor Wat, a treasure among treasures, anointed as one of the world’s seven wonders.
Beyond this canvas of enchantment, another story unfolds. Among the city’s pockets lie opportunities, a calling to weave progress into the tapestry. Community spaces and ancient landmarks yearn for a loving touch, spaces where knowledge thrives, history echoes, and families find refuge. Here, construction is not just about building structures; it’s about linking hearts, uplifting communities, and forging a brighter tomorrow. Your hand, your skills – they are the bridge between dreams and reality.
This journey embraces sweat and dust, where your footsteps mark transformation. Focused on local schools, your hands will shape learning spaces, breathe new life into facilities, and paint the future for children of surrounding villages. And beyond, in the heart of the community, should the need arise, your touch will resonate, cementing connections.
The blueprint of your efforts will be etched on village schools, where walls echo with learning and sanitation blooms anew. Yet, the landscape might shift; villages might call. It all pivots on the need of the moment. But rest assured, your skills will be the compass, pointing toward the places where they are needed most. Each swing of the hammer, each layer of paint – they weave dreams, they uplift spirits. In this act of creation, you will find a new bond with the land, a deeper connection to the people, and an enduring mark on Siem Reap’s vibrant canvas.
On the other hand, you don’t need special qualifications or even to have experience in construction efforts, but do consider this job requires physical strength and endurance in hot weather conditions. In addition, your work will depend upon the needs of the school, community or recipients at that particular point in time. However, your main roles will be, but are not limited to:
Assist in the construction and renovations of communal infrastructures such as schools, churches, local houses and so on;
Digging and assembling construction materials;
– Help & Assist in the construction and renovations of school playgrounds;
– Make school pathways and fence;
– Build and renovate Toilet facilities;
– Repair and Renovate School walls;
– Help and assist in building new classrooms or any other school facilities;
– Help in Painting school buildings;
Gardening and Landscaping; and
– Repair and make tables & Chairs.
Finally, during the construction activities, please be careful and mindful when using construction equipment and materials, ask assistance from your local coordinators for heavy tasks and of course to enjoy and make the most of your stay and have memorable learning experiences.
Introduction meeting, House rules, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents
Khmer Do’s and Don’ts, Khmer Culture Lessons and Khmer Language Lessons.
Tour around the compound and local area; where to find local shops
Visit the old market, supermarket, bank, ATM , Sim-card if necessary.
Excursion to Wat Preah Prom Rath and Wat Thmey, a small pagoda
Evening at Pub Street and the night market, the liveliest area of Siem Reap
Tuesday to Friday
Engage in Constructions and Renovation Works and Activities.
Engage in Constructions and Renovation Works and Activities.
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
Greenway School in Samraong
The school was designed, built, and completely operated by people like you, under the guidance of our native Cambodian manager and teacher Mr. Ya Nuth.
Since beginning his work with this rural Samraong community in 2008, Mr. Ya Nuth has become a leader in the local community. His efforts in developing local schools and hospitals, with the help of those like yourself, have had an immeasurably positive effect on the community. In 2013, the Greenway School was opened, offering a free educational/learning opportunity for those who couldn’t otherwise afford it.
Students attend a regular public school, where they don’t get the chance to learn a lot of English. The public school shifts are divided into a morning group and an afternoon group, giving the children a chance to come to our school during their free time (e.g. the morning group can attend our afternoon shift and vice versa). What is so unique and amazing about the Greenway School, is that the children come of their own accord and truly enjoy their time here.
Teaching takes place in a traditional classroom setting. However, we are very flexible and encourage you to be creative in your lesson planning. The most important thing to consider is that you remain within the scope of the established curriculum and its schedule.
Participants can expect to work alongside other local teachers or participants. This could mean 3-5 participants taking turns providing instruction during the course of the session. This could allow for smaller group engagement and when needed, one-on-one help for students who may be having challenges with the material. There will be an orientation before starting your work with students. During that orientation, the exact size, level of assignment and members of the teaching team will be determined.
To facilitate maximum learning and comprehension, you will need to continue the pace that has been set by school directors for the class you are working with. In order to ensure that the material is covered fully and the schedule is maintained, you will not be allowed to skip ahead. All participants will follow the prescribed curriculum and provide adequate review, which will allow students to be better prepared for weekly progress and end of year assessment tests.
The children who come to Greenway School, come from the Pul village, as well as five other surrounding villages. Their ages range from 6 to 13. Most currently possess just a basic level of English, but using our established curriculum, we are able to accommodate beginners all the way up to level 5.
Class sizes are typically between 10-30 students. Classrooms are equipped with basic teaching resources, such as a whiteboard and flash cards. You are highly encouraged to bring small learning materials and items to use in your class and/or donate to our school. These things are gratefully received and help to broaden the curriculum and teaching possibilities that we can offer.
The primary mode of transport to and from the accommodation/school will be on bicycles.
The core focus of the teaching project will depend upon the needs of the school at that particular point in time. Your main roles will be (but are not limited to):
Preparing English lesson plans. It is advised to be more engaging and more fun.
Teaching English with the assistance of the class teacher.
Administering monthly progress tests to evaluate the children’s level of knowledge in specific learning areas.
Besides passing on your English knowledge, you may also be able to share some basic hygiene and sanitation routines, as well as, your own experiences and cultural background.
In addition, during the teaching activities, always be on time and be mindful of class schedules and come to school prepared, be creative in preparing lessons in a fun and engaging ways, smile and have lots of patience as you are working with children with various personalities and wear a dress that covers their shoulders and knees, and basically, the more that is covered the better.
Men must wear trousers, T-shirts, and shoes and strictly follow the dress code policy. You are also expected to actively join other activities and of course to enjoy.
Finally, make the most of your stay and make memorable learning experiences.
Introduction meeting, House rules, Setting Expectations, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents.
Khmer Do’s and Don’ts, Khmer Culture Lessons and Khmer Language Lessons.
Tour around the compound and local area; where to find local shops, and arrange a sim-card if necessary.
Introduction to the Project, Visit Project site and start participating on the project.
Tuesday to Friday
Teaching time with the students is divided into two shifts, with lunch and free time back at the accommodation in between.
After having breakfast at the accommodation, you will go to the placement/school alongside your coordinator for the first shift that begins in the morning from 08:00 -11:00 while the afternoon shift is from 14:00 – 17:00.
You should also expect to spend time working on the next day’s activities/exercises so that you are prepared and comfortable for the duration of the lesson. Your typical day will end with a savory dinner that you will surely enjoy together with other participants. Get ready to enjoy some additional activities designed especially for you.
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
Agriculture Development in Samraong
Cambodia is predominantly an agricultural country in which the majority of people are farmers. However, there is very little knowledge when it comes to the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock. As such, it is important for locals to seek and develop agricultural partnerships that increase the resources available to them more efficiently.
Green Shoots Foundation (an international NGO) in collaboration with CIDO (Community-Based Integrated Development Organisation) is a spear-heading an agricultural skills training program at a local agricultural training center in Samraog, Cambodia.
This center will provide a free training course on not only the importance of how agriculture plays a vital role in the backbone of this country but also the use of sustainable farming practices as a way of bettering both current and future generations. The center is also the place to show all trainees and other farmers all the vegetables or crops they would like to plant. For the locals, the central aim they would like to benefit from attending these training lessons will be the opportunity to continue sustainable farming practices on their own. With renewed experiences and knowledge, the villagers will be able to start planting their own vegetables at home.
This project takes place in a dedicated project site 5 -6 km outside of our accommodation building. As such, you will need to cycle (15 – 20 mins) to and from our accommodation in order to join the week-long program.
The main activities are training local farmers and youth on agriculture from Monday to Friday from 0:800 to 17:00 in the afternoon. You will be expected to have a keen interest in outdoor gardening and basic building work. You must also be willing to work in the sun, not be too scared of insects and bugs and engage in some heavy lifting. For most tasks, you shall be with a local person. These key people who have extensive backgrounds in agriculture and project management will be your guide in deciding tasks or a project to complete.
All meals are provided at our accommodation. During your lunch break, you have the option to consume your packed lunch on site or go by bike back to the accommodation site.
Additionally, this program will give you the chance to experience the authentic countryside of Cambodia by living amongst locals and helping out the villagers on their farms.
Introduction meeting, House rules, Setting Expectations, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents.
Khmer Do’s and Don’ts, Khmer Culture Lessons and Khmer Language Lessons.
Tour around the compound and local area; where to find local shops, and arrange a sim-card if necessary.
Introduction to the Project, Visit Project site and start participating on the project.
Tuesday to Friday
A typical day during this program may look like this:
Join the training session with an introduction to integrated farming.
Join the construction at the center and engage in land preparation.
Engage in a personal project: workshop and group work.
Make a model of crops or vegetable beds
Visit some local families who are working with vegetables
Help the families with their daily vegetable work
Prepare Earth block mixture (clay) and materials for binding
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
Construction & Renovation in Samraong
Embark on a transformative journey where you can make a tangible impact by lending a helping hand to underdeveloped communities in Cambodia through construction and renovation work. Prepare to immerse yourself in a fulfilling experience filled with cultural exchange and valuable learning opportunities.
At the heart of this project lies a local school dedicated to serving impoverished children. Your primary focus will be on construction tasks within the school premises, where previous contributors, including skilled local tradesmen, have poured their efforts and resources. This remarkable educational facility now welcomes over three hundred students daily. However, the work here is far from complete, as we strive to construct new buildings, pathways, toilets, walls, and drainage systems to meet the evolving needs of the community.
For those with artistic talents, an opportunity awaits to decorate the school walls with vibrant murals and paintings depicting your home countries and cultures. This creative endeavor serves as a testament to the dedication and hard work of individuals like yourself who have contributed over the years.
In addition to the school, you may also be involved in construction projects within the local village, including house renovations, building sanitation facilities, or supporting initiatives at the nearby hospital. The specific focus will depend on the pressing needs at the time, ensuring your construction skills are directed where they are needed most.
You don’t need special qualifications or even have experience in construction efforts, but do consider this job requires physical strength and endurance in hot weather conditions, however, activities focus only on light constructions. In addition, your work will depend upon the needs of the school, community or recipients at that particular point in time or you can look forward to working out in the local community, if construction and renovation jobs arise.
Your main roles will be, but are not limited to:
– Assist in the construction and renovations of communal infrastructures such as schools, Buddhist Temples, local houses and so on;
– Digging and assembling construction materials;
– Help and assist in the construction and renovations of school playgrounds;
– Make school pathways and fences around the school.
– Build and renovate Toilet facilities;
– Repair and Renovate School walls;
– Help and assist in building new classrooms or any other school facilities;
– Help in Painting school buildings;
– Gardening and Landscaping;
– Repair and make tables and chairs.
– Make Bookshelves for the School Library, – Make brick walls or tiles on the floor.
– Renovate the Computer room, make a brick wall and tile the floor.
– Build a registration and information office for parents to meet and get some information about the school.
– Make some Brick Walls.
– Build a place for compost or trash.
– Plant more trees.
In addition, during the construction activities, please be careful and mindful when using construction equipment and materials, ask assistance from your local coordinators for heavy tasks and of course to enjoy and make the most of your stay and have memorable learning experiences.
Introduction meeting, House rules, Setting Expectations, Health and Safety Advice and handling of documents.
Khmer Do’s and Don’ts, Khmer Culture Lessons and Khmer Language Lessons.
Tour around the compound and local area; where to find local shops, and arrange a sim-card if necessary.
Introduction to the Project, Visit Project site and start participating on the project.
Tuesday to Friday
After breakfast, you will head off to the construction project; this will mainly be at our school, homes of local residents and local community facilities. There you will be briefed on your tasks for the day by our coordinator. You can expect to engage in construction and renovation work at the project location for 4-5 hours per day with a lunch break in between.
Lunch can be at our accommodation or near the project site.Your typical day will end with a savory dinner that you will surely enjoy together with other participants.
Get ready to enjoy some additional activities designed especially for you.
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
Mangrove Conservation in Kampot
Immerse yourself in an impactful journey as you take part in the restoration of mangrove forests, combating the severe deforestation that has plagued these vital ecosystems in recent years.
Our project is dedicated to the conservation of mangrove plantations, recognizing their crucial role in today’s ecosystem and the well-being of future generations. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the sustainable development of the local community, engaging in various community-based initiatives, including English teaching and other impactful projects.
Our mission is clear: to protect and preserve mangrove plantations by reversing the alarming trend of their destruction, which has escalated rapidly in recent times. This can only be achieved through a two-pronged approach involving the education of the younger generation and the hands-on work of planting new mangroves. Together, we will restore the balance and ensure a thriving future for these vital habitats.
Nestled in the southeastern part of Cambodia, the province of Kampot is emerging as a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists, thanks to its abundance of natural wonders. However, the management of mangrove plantations is crucial for the sustainability of the tourism industry. Sadly, numerous mangrove sites along the local river banks have been lost, replaced by salt plantations that offer short-term profits. This unfortunate shift has also led to a rise in illegal fishing activities within the province.
While a background in environmental science or tourism and a good level of physical fitness would be advantageous, they are not prerequisites for joining this worthy cause. We welcome individuals who are passionate about conservation and eager to make a positive impact on the environment.
From Monday to Friday, your tasks and activities will vary based on the specific needs of the plantation site. Planting mangroves involves more than simply placing a seed in the ground, and you will receive guidance from local fishermen who will walk you through each step of the process. You may find yourself repairing young mangroves in plantations near the accommodation or embarking on a boat journey to the nearby delta (approximately 20 minutes) to collect seedlings for the nursery. Flexibility is key as we adapt to local conditions and prioritize the most pressing tasks.
As part of our commitment to the community, we also offer the opportunity to teach English to the village’s youth. By imparting language skills, you contribute to their educational development, empowering them for a brighter future. However, please note that teaching is entirely optional, and you are free to choose your level of involvement in this aspect of the project.
Weekends are yours to savor and explore the wonders of Cambodia. Many participants opt to embark on their own adventures, taking in the rich cultural tapestry and natural beauty of the country. Alternatively, we offer an optional itinerary at no extra cost, focusing on the most vulnerable members of the Kampot community. It is a source of pride for us to distribute second-hand clothes to those in need, and if you have any clothes you would otherwise discard, we encourage you to bring them along to contribute to this worthy cause.
Please note that the program commences on the first and third Monday of each month, providing you with ample opportunities to join this impactful journey.
As with any endeavor, our schedule is subject to change based on weather conditions, local circumstances, and unforeseen events, ensuring your safety and the optimal utilization of resources.
Prepare to make a meaningful difference, connect with nature, and leave a lasting legacy as we join forces to restore mangrove forests, protect the environment, and uplift local communities.
This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances
1週間: 135,000 JP¥
2週間: 155,000 JP¥
3週間: 185,000 JP¥
4週間: 215,000 JP¥
+1週間: 53,000 JP¥
カルチャー ウィーク、シェムリアップ エデュケーション & グリーンウェイ スクールには、1 週間あたり 7,000 円の追加料金がかかります
** マングローブ保護活動には、1 週間あたり 25,000 円の追加料金がかかります
– 参加者は18歳以上である必要があります
– 16歳未満の参加者は保護者と一緒に参加する必要があります
– 16歳から18歳までの参加者は保護者の同意が必要です
– 参加者は犯罪歴調査を提出する必要があります (犯罪歴調査を取得できない場合は、代わりに 2 文字の参照レターを提出することができます)
– 参加者は各自で旅行保険に加入する必要があります。
– 少なくとも基本的な英語を話し、理解できる必要があります
すごく楽しかったです。 いい経験でした!
ボランティア活動は心の広がりとやりがいをもたらしました。 地元の人たちは、私が世界中で出会った中で最もフレンドリーな人々です。
プログラムは素晴らしく、コーディネーターのサポートも素晴らしかったです。 このプログラムに参加できたことは役に立ち、特別なものだと感じた、これまでで最高の 2 週間でした。 毎分楽しかったです。 ありがとう!
本当に楽しい時間を過ごし、文化や人々について多くのことを学びました。 実際、家にいるように感じ始めていました。 人々や子供たちはとても親切で、彼らと一緒に何かをするのが大好きでした。 楽しい時間をありがとうございました!