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Stage Médical au Vietnam

Embarquez pour un voyage médical extraordinaire et sans pareil ! Préparez-vous à vous immerger dans une expérience remarquable où vous aurez l’incroyable opportunité de suivre et d’apprendre du personnel local dévoué dans un hôpital au Vietnam.

Ce programme s’adresse aux médecins et aux infirmières, ou aux étudiants qui se préparent à devenir médecins ou infirmières. Notre programme médical est spécialement conçu pour les personnes ayant une formation médicale et désireuses de faire la différence. C’est l’occasion de mettre vos compétences et votre expertise au service d’une noble cause. En fonction de votre niveau unique de compétences et d’aptitudes, vous vous verrez confier diverses tâches qui vous permettront de soutenir activement et d’améliorer le centre médical ou l’hôpital local, en répondant aux besoins de ceux qui ont un accès limité à des soins de santé abordables et de haute qualité.

Mais il ne s’agit pas seulement de l’aspect médical, c’est aussi un voyage d’immersion culturelle. S’inscrire à partir de 665 euros seulement.

Rejoignez notre stage d’immersion au Vietnam !

Êtes-vous prêt à explorer une culture nouvelle et passionnante tout en acquérant une expérience précieuse dans votre domaine ? Notre programme de stage au Vietnam est l’occasion idéale de le faire. En tant que stagiaire, vous aurez la chance de vous immerger dans cet environnement unique et de mieux comprendre la culture et les traditions locales.

Embarquez pour un voyage médical passionnant comme jamais auparavant avec notre extraordinaire programme de stage médical au Vietnam conçu exclusivement pour les étrangers ! Imaginez-vous plongé au cœur de l’excellence des soins de santé, où le rythme de votre cœur s’harmonise avec le pouls de l’innovation médicale. Nos stages médicaux au Vietnam offrent une fusion dynamique d’expertise clinique et d’immersion culturelle, créant une expérience inégalée pour les aspirants médecins, infirmières et étudiants internationaux.

Non seulement vous pourrez élargir vos perspectives et créer des souvenirs inoubliables, mais vous acquerrez également une expérience inestimable dans votre domaine. Notre programme est conçu pour permettre aux stagiaires d’acquérir une expérience pratique auprès de patients d’origines et de conditions diverses, ce qui les aidera à développer les compétences et les connaissances dont ils auront besoin pour réussir dans leur future carrière.

Lieu de stage : Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Durée du stage : A partir de 1 semaine
Dates de début : Vous pouvez commencer tous les lundis (l’arrivée se fait le dimanche).

internship sri lanka
volunteer luang prabang laos


Welcome to Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Ville, affectueusement connue sous le nom de Saigon, est une fusion fascinante de charme ancien et de modernité vibrante. Cette ville enchanteresse respire une énergie indéniable dans ses rues animées, où l’on entend une symphonie de klaxons de motos et les arômes alléchants de la cuisine de rue. En parcourant ses marchés animés et ses ruelles labyrinthiques, vous découvrirez un trésor de monuments historiques, de l’emblématique cathédrale Notre-Dame aux salles sanctifiées du Musée des vestiges de guerre.


Préparez-vous à un accueil chaleureux au Vietnam ! Votre programme commence dès votre arrivée, avec notre accueil à l’aéroport le dimanche à l’aéroport. Afin de garantir une transition en douceur, nous vous fournirons toutes les informations nécessaires concernant votre arrivée et vos contacts lors de la réservation de votre programme. L’équipe locale vous attendra, prête à vous transférer à votre hébergement.

internship sri lanka

Introduction culturelle

Dans le cadre de notre programme, nous nous efforçons de faire en sorte que les stagiaires bénéficient non seulement d’un stage exceptionnel au sein d’une entreprise/organisation locale, mais aussi d’une transition en douceur vers la culture et les coutumes locales. Nous comprenons qu’il est essentiel de se sentir à l’aise dans un nouvel environnement pour réussir son stage.

Pour démarrer ce voyage, vous commencerez par une séance d’orientation. Les stagiaires auront l’occasion de se familiariser avec la culture, la langue et les coutumes locales.


Votre hébergement est compris dans votre forfait du dimanche soir au samedi matin de votre dernière semaine, vous pouvez donc être assuré que vous aurez un endroit confortable où vous sentir chez vous tout au long de votre voyage.

Vous serez logé dans des chambres partagées avec d’autres volontaires, ce qui vous donnera l’occasion de vous faire des amis pour la vie dans le monde entier. Vous serez logés dans des chambres de type dortoir non mixtes, ce qui vous assurera un maximum de confort et d’intimité.

Mais ce n’est pas tout : nous nous occupons également de vos repas ! Vous bénéficierez de trois délicieux repas par jour du lundi au vendredi, et de deux repas par jour le week-end.

Medical Internship in Vietnam

Have an eye-opening observational experience at a hospital in Ho Chi Minh. This program is ideal for persons currently working or studying in the medical field.

Get your scrubs on for this rare opportunity to shadow local medical professionals and gain insight into the Vietnamese healthcare system. You will experience a new culture and new working environment, as you are guided through different tasks and activities.

Immerse yourself in a transformative program set within a government-operated hospital, dedicated to serving the vibrant community of Ho Chi Minh City. As an observer, you will play a vital role in this hands-off experience, focusing on observation, recording, and analysis.

It’s important to understand that government regulations prohibit international participants from independently performing tasks within these esteemed institutions. Therefore, this project is ideally suited for pre-medical or medical students seeking a deeper understanding of the Vietnamese healthcare system.

During your time in the hospital, you will have the invaluable opportunity to shadow dedicated nurses, skilled doctors, and compassionate therapists. Depending on your preferences and availability, your daily tasks may include medication preparation, blood pressure measurements, basic triage, and wound care.


This program is based in a government-operated hospital, serving the community of Ho Chi Minh. Observation, recording, and analyzing will be a key part of this project, as it is a hands-off experience.

It’s important to note that these institutions are bound by government regulations and cannot allow international participants to perform tasks independently. For this reason, this project is best suited to pre-medical or medical students hoping to gain more insight into the Vietnamese healthcare system.

You will have the opportunity to shadow nurses, doctors, and therapists. Depending on your profile and availability, your daily tasks may consist of medication preparation, blood pressure measurement, basic triage and wound care.

The hospital has these departments, you might be placed in, which depend on the hospital schedule and on your background: Anaesthesiology, Brain Injury, Mental Health (may be limited), Rehabilitation/Occupational therapy, Orthopaedics, Pharmacy (Vietnamese sufficient), Speech therapy (Vietnamese sufficient), Physiotherapy, Prosthetics workshop, Radiology ( Ultrasound), Surgery (spine surgery, skin grafts, joint surgery), Traditional Medicine, Geriatrics and Internal Medicine.

You may also have an opportunity to observe staff in the acupuncture and occupational/physical therapy departments.

It is important to keep in mind that the English level of the placement staff does differ, however, you will always be supported by an English-speaking coordinator from the local team. Participants can be involved with medical issues and ask the staff questions.

After completing your observational experience, you will be awarded a certificate to reflect your learning accomplishments!

Your Role – General Information

On the other hand, undoubtedly the best thing about working in healthcare or in the medical field is the fact that you’ll be helping the local people of this amazing city every single day while making an impact in their lives even in just a short period of time. Regardless of an exhausting the work and role you may have, working in the medical field allows you to nurture your desire to help others and give back to the community as well. In this program, you will need endless patience, energy and a sense of responsibility and accountability as you will work with patients with health problems and concerns.

Moreover, your general duties will include the following:

Shadowing, observing, and assisting with the Hospital’s daily operations.
Assists Patients/residents in their health concerns with the close monitoring of the doctor/nurses in charge.
Observe Local Doctors/nurses on duty on operations and other medical procedures.
Observe in diagnosing and treating patient’s illnesses performed by the doctors/nurse on duty.
Participate in basic triage, wound care, blood pressure measurement and medication preparation.
Join healthcare campaigns (if there is any) for children at local schools or communities to increase their health awareness.
Partaking in the day-to-day activities of the hospital.
Note: Possible activities during your time in the hospital may vary depending on your background and experience.

Meanwhile, remember that you are exploring this place differently from the corner of your home, thus, throughout your stay you are expected to adhere and follow all the stated rules and regulations and to keep in mind the following considerations.. This is however implemented and advised for your utmost safety while staying with us.

During the Medical Placement:

Work at the placement for a minimum of five (5) hours a day.
You will be requested to wear a scrub during working time, you must bring a scrub with you or rent one at the accommodation when you arrive, if possible wear a proper medical uniform.
Be on time and always come to the hospital prepared.
Smile and have lots of patience as you are working with patients with different medical conditions.
Always be kind and calm in different situations.
Be attentive to the caretaking, diagnosing and treating patients.
Be careful when using the hospital and medical equipment.
Please show your love to the patients as if you are their sisters, brothers, parents and the ones to lean on.
There may be a change of time and schedules so please be patient and respect the advice of your local program coordinator.
Be always respectful of the local staff, fellow participants, patients, and hospital staff.
Adhere to the rules and regulations of the hospital you’re working with.
Beware of the medical protocols, procedures, and guidelines of the hospital.
Work closely with your local program coordinator alongside hospital staff.

Note: Lunch break is a bit long because locals take a nap between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. Please also note that Stated rules and regulations will be discussed further by the local staff or the Country Manager a day after your arrival.

Please note that this program is not running during public holidays, however, we join in celebration with the local people or you may join a program to one of the other programs such as the Food Shop Program.


Transportation to the projects and return to the accommodation is included in the program fee via bus (public transport). If you wish to use taxi instead, you can inform the local team. They will guide you on how to get transportation. Please note that the cost of taxi transport will have to be borne by yourself. Taxi fees are as follows.

Grab bike: ~ 30.000 vnd/ 1 way (US$ 1.30)
Grab car/ taxi: ~75.000 – 85.000/VND/ 1 way (US$3.20 -US$3.50)

Aims & Objectives

Provides you with practical work experience in the medical field.
Gain insight into the Vietnamese healthcare system.
Observe the medical practices of local staff at the hospital in Ho Chi Minh.
Broaden your perspective of international medical care and treatment.


FIRST WEEK: The morning starts with a meeting with our team, Vietnamese do’s and don’ts and handling documents. We will provide a tour of the campus and its surroundings where you can find facilities such as ATMs, restaurants, post office, swimming pool, gym, coffee shop and supermarkets. Having lunch at the college. This is followed by Vietnamese Language, and Vietnamese Cultural lessons and introduction sessions about projects. The afternoon will be filled with family games and dinner, which will give you a chance to get to know others.

Tuesday to Friday
At the beginning of your placement (Tuesday) you will start with a full introduction to the hospital. You will also discuss your upcoming role, as you shadow and observe local medical professionals in a variety of settings throughout the hospital in Ho Chi Minh. You may have opportunities to visit different departments, follow doctors, nurses, and therapists, and participate in basic triage, wound care, blood pressure measurement, and medication preparation.

*** Please note that there will be a long break in between at lunchtime.***

***This schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances.***


You must have an established medical background: studying on a pre-medical track,
medicine, nursing, pharmacy, occupational/physical therapy, or working in a relevant field.
You will need to submit your qualifications ( Medical study transcripts) and CV/Resume and a copy of your passport by email to the local team at least two weeks before beginning the program.

Additional Requirements

The following are further necessary in order for the participants, local staff, and everyone involved to have a meaningful, enjoyable and safe medical placement.

Physically and mentally prepared to take on these medical initiatives.
It is preferred if you have an established medical background – studying on a pre-medical track, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, occupational/physical therapy, or working in a relevant field
Proficient understanding of healthcare principles.
High level of efficiency, accuracy and responsibility.
Can work under pressure and is a team player.
Excellent time management and self-organizing.
Strong desire to take on new challenges and learn as much as possible.
You will also need to submit your qualifications (Medical study transcripts) and CV/Resume by email to the local team at least two weeks before beginning the program.
Have completed or recommended the following vaccines: Polio, Hepatitis A, Diphtheria/Tetanus, Typhoid, Malaria, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Cholera, and Japanese Encephalitis. In case of Yellow Fever, a certificate of vaccination is required if you are arriving from an area with a risk of yellow fever transmission.

Additional Equipment
Please bring your own scrubs, we require navy color, but if you already have one or a few pairs with different colors, it is fine or you can rent on arrival at 4 $ per week. In addition, we do provide regular masks and gloves (latex), but you can also bring your own.
An environmentally friendly sunscreen or lotion is also advised to protect you from the heat of the sun and please carry with you preventive agents, such as mosquito repellents when having an outdoor activity.
Refillable water bottles and hydration packs to stay hydrated throughout the day, particularly during medical activities.
Closed-toe shoes (no flip-flops allowed)
Moreover, bring Medicines with you especially if you have to take specific medicines on a regular basis. as well as other medicines for headaches and stomach aches.
Dress modestly in Vietnam, covering knees and shoulders, and avoid tight or revealing clothing. Western clothes are fine, but adhere to local standards. Be cautious of graphics on clothing, especially when visiting religious or educational sites.

Prix du programme

1 semaine: 665 Euro / 725 US$
2 semaines: 855 Euro/ 925 US$
3 semaines: 1095 Euro / 1185 US$
4 semaines: 1355 Euro / 1475 US$
+1 semaine: 295 Euro / 325 US$


Ce qui est inclus :

– Placement en stage
– L’orientation
– Soutien local
– Accueil et prise en charge à l’aéroport
– Hébergement
– Une chambre privée est disponible moyennant un supplément (nous contacter pour plus de détails).
– Repas
– Assistance 24 heures sur 24 dans le pays

Non inclus :
visa, vol, assurance voyage, vaccinations, vérification des antécédents criminels, voyage de retour à l’aéroport, frais bancaires internationaux de 5 %.

Conditions d’admission :
– Les participants doivent être âgés d’au moins 18 ans.
– Fournir un CV, une lettre de motivation et des qualifications
– Avoir une expérience confirmée dans un domaine d’étude affilié.
– Les participants doivent fournir une vérification de leurs antécédents criminels (s’ils ne peuvent pas obtenir une vérification de leurs antécédents criminels, ils peuvent fournir deux lettres de recommandation à la place).
– Les participants doivent avoir leur propre assurance voyage.
– Vous devez être capable de parler et de comprendre l’anglais.

Témoignage Sarah Snook

Un témoignage de Sarah Snook, la célèbre actrice hollywoodienne qui a rejoint notre programme de bénévolat.