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Who we are?

Want to Know a little About us? Let us tell you.

Are you ready for an adventure that’s not just about you, but also about making a real difference in the world? At our organization, we’re all about bringing people together, creating cultural understanding, and improving the lives of local communities and the environment.

With our immersive volunteer programs, you’ll have the chance to engage with local communities and make a real impact in the lives of those around you. Whether you’re working with children or helping with environmental conservation efforts, you’ll be making a tangible difference that you can be proud of.

But that’s not all – you’ll also be creating lifelong friendships with fellow international travellers who share your passion for travel and making a positive impact. And with our commitment to affordable, high-quality programs, you can rest assured that your journey will be both meaningful and unforgettable.

Let us tell you a short about our Journey

Ready to experience the world in a whole new way? Join us on our volunteer abroad programs, where you’ll have the chance to immerse yourself in new cultures alongside other like-minded international volunteers.

Our experienced support staff will be with you every step of the way, ensuring your safety and making sure your journey is as meaningful and unforgettable as possible. With thousands of volunteers already hosted in Asia, Africa, and South America, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands.

But this isn’t just any travel opportunity – this is a chance to make a real difference in the world while exploring some of the most incredible destinations on the planet. Whether you’re a high school student, a college or university student, an older adult, or a family, we have short-term and long-term volunteering opportunities that will suit your needs.

So why wait? Discover the world in a meaningful and worthwhile way – join us on our volunteer abroad programs today!

Testimonial Sarah Snook

A testimonial from Sarah Snook the famous Hollywood actress who joined our volunteer program.

Why Join Us!

Unique Experiences

Our programs are designed to take you off the beaten track and into uncharted territory, where you’ll have the chance to experience personal and cultural growth in ways you never thought possible.

With our unique itineraries and commitment to immersive cultural experiences, you’ll come away from your journey with a newfound appreciation for the world around you. Whether you’re teaching English in a rural village or working on a conservation project in the jungle, you’ll be making a real impact while exploring some of the most incredible destinations on the planet.

But this isn’t just about volunteering – it’s about discovering yourself and the world around you in a whole new way. You’ll have the chance to push yourself out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Dedicated Support

At our organization, we are committed to providing you with the ultimate travel experience. That’s why our customer support teams are available around the clock to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have before, during, and after your program.

We understand that traveling to a new place can be daunting, but with our dedicated support teams, you can rest assured that you will have all the assistance you need to make your journey a success. Our experienced staff will be there to guide you through every step of the process, from choosing the perfect program to ensuring that you have everything you need for a safe and enjoyable trip.

So whether you need help with visa applications, travel arrangements, or simply want some advice on what to pack, our customer support teams are here to help you every step of the way. With our support, you can focus on what really matters – experiencing your program to the fullest and creating memories that will last a lifetime.


Our programs are designed to take you off the beaten track and into uncharted territory, where you’ll have the chance to experience personal and cultural growth in ways you never thought possible.

With our unique itineraries and commitment to immersive cultural experiences, you’ll come away from your journey with a newfound appreciation for the world around you. Whether you’re teaching English in a rural village or working on a conservation project in the jungle, you’ll be making a real impact while exploring some of the most incredible destinations on the planet.

But this isn’t just about volunteering – it’s about discovering yourself and the world around you in a whole new way. You’ll have the chance to push yourself out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and create memories that will last a lifetime.


We believe that travel should not only be about exploring new places, but also about making a positive impact on the world. That’s why all of our projects and programs are designed with the goal of giving back to the local communities and nature.

Our team works closely with local organizations to identify the most pressing needs of the community and to develop projects that will have a meaningful and sustainable impact. Whether it’s building schools, protecting wildlife, or providing healthcare to underserved communities, our programs are designed to make a real difference in people’s lives.

In addition to helping local communities, we are also committed to protecting the environment. Our programs focus on sustainable development and conservation efforts that help preserve our planet for future generations. By volunteering with us, you can play an active role in creating a more just and sustainable world, while also gaining valuable experience and making unforgettable memories.


Partner Highlight!

We have built some wonderful partnerships around the world with whom we provide amazing meaningful programs with a purpose.

One of our main partners we work with very closely around the world is The Green Lion, one of the world’s largest pioneers in Meaningful Impact Tourism.

We have been working with them for over 15 years, and we are one of their main trusted partners, promoting their programs to participants all over the world. We want people to have the experience of a lifetime, and join the programs that we organize together with The Green Lion, so we are committed to promoting these programs at the cheapest prices, so you can join these impactful trips at the most affordable prices.

We organize programs with our partner The Green Lion around the world. The Green Lion starts up and organizes all the programs, but does not promote these directly to the public. They promote their programs through trusted partners such as Abroad Escape and others. We aim to promote these life-changing programs at the most affordable prices so that our customers can join these programs at the cheapest prices possible.

The Green Lion was founded in 1998 in Thailand and they have have become one of the global leaders in volunteer and meaningful travel programs. They are one of the most trusted and reviewed meaningful travel tour operators, with thousands of participants.

They use the principle that they developed themselves called XCeLLeC. EXperience local Culture through immersion and meeting people, Learn about yourself and others and gain more skills, have some fun during Leisure time, and offer something in return through Community Engagement.

They have grown from a small organization into offering programs in over 30 countries spread throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Oceania. They have programs ranging from education and community support and development to adventure and leisure travel, to wildlife and environmental conservation.

Some of the recent achievements:

The mangrove project in the Philippines has now restored approximately 50% of the devastated mangrove forest. This involves the planting of 494,723 mangrove saplings, and nurturing them until they are strong enough to survive independently. Participants have also been able to plant over 500 trees in the nearby forest.

In Kenya 600 Mangrove propagules were planted.

In Madagascar, more than 1,000 mangrove saplings were planted.

In Thailand, more than 100 kilos of rubbish was cleared.

In the Philippines, the program has recycled almost 2500 pieces of 1.5-liter plastic bottles (equivalent to 2500 sacks of plastic waste) in the creation of eco-bricks that can be used for the construction of appropriate structures- with this, they built an eight-block eco-brick school fence in a local kindergarten school in Tigman Village, Palawan.

In South Korea, 15 dogs getting adopted this year. The shelter is cleaned every day by the staff and assisted by participants. Warm blankets have been provided in the winter for the dogs. The shelter now has a big playground and a swimming pool for the dogs right next to the shelter.

In Costa Rica, we have contributed to the feeding and preservation of hundreds of rescued illegal pet birds and animals, as well as injured wild animals.

The program in Madagascar has been refined with a focus on building a database of over 11 species housed and 81 Lemurs in Lemuria Land, an ethically oriented sanctuary in Madagascar.

The Nusa Penida turtle program in Bali saved more than 70% of hatching turtle eggs. More than 70% of the sick Turtles have recovered and were able to survive in the ocean. Have successfully hatched more than 70% of baby turtles above the expected percentage. Turtle Release since January 2023 totals more than 800 turtles and 611 Baby hatchlings released since January 2023.

In Sri Lanka 1200 baby sea turtles were released in 2023.28 adult disabled sea turtles are being taken care of at the disabled turtle center in Sri Lanka.

In Cape Verde, 54 nests were moved to the hatchery site, and 3000 Loggerhead turtle hatchlings were released into the ocean between July to October.

In Cambodia, 141 kids, including 78 girls have been given the chance to attend the Greenway School.

In Bali worked with around 24 schools covering over 2400 students last year in teaching English. Also raised healthcare awareness to over 600 students in around 8 schools.

Teaching English at 3 schools with over 1,200 students in Laos. Also basic English lessons for over 100 young monks.

In Fiji teaching English, Math, and Social Science in a local school for the full year. Assisted in classes for more than 150 students in 2023.

Teaching health and hygiene practices to primary school students, and helping primary and secondary school teachers with the preparation of class assignments and materials at schools in Tanzania.

Active mentoring and tutoring of younger students, fostering a sense of community and support. The project serves as a bridge for teenagers to work in the tourism sector in Zanzibar.

Provided education to more than 30 children and 15 teenagers who attended our classes over almost 3 months. Participants also supported an educational initiative with a primary school education program during the holidays, with 40 students attending daily classes during the long summer holidays in Madagascar.

Helped teach English in 5 local schools for a full academic year and provided free English holiday camps for 100 children in the community in Thailand.

A dedicated team of volunteers came together to level the land and build a bamboo badminton court, transforming it into a vibrant community hub. The park, previously a wasteland, has undergone a remarkable transformation with the help of the construction and renovation participants. As well as new flooring, we carefully selected and incorporated tables, benches, and cushions into the classroom in Nepal.

Refurbish classrooms with a new door, windows, and plaster repairs, while others joined our team and local Maasai women in building a typical structure using sticks, mud, and water. Traditional Maasai structure built by participants for the women of the Moita community, which will be used as a community kitchen on rainy days. Painted 5 girls’ dormitories as well in Tanzania.

During the year we built 4 classrooms for just over 100 students, 4 toilets, 3 sinks for students to wash their hands, 1 office, and 2 teachers’ rooms at The Green Lion Kindergarten. We also renovated 6 government schools. In these six schools, we painted 18 classrooms with pictures on the walls to make the atmosphere more pleasant and interesting for the students. – Indonesia

Helped about 9-10 temples to build walls, and also helped to renovate the meeting room used by 2-3 villages in Laos.

Three schools were identified as being in desperate need of renovation. Renovation work included repainting walls, repairing windows and doors, and repainting and restoring school furniture in Cape Verde.

Repaired and cleaned the roof. Fence and anti-corrosive treatment. 40m2 – Approx 300m² of walls were cleaned and the block was to be painted. Approximately 300m² of walls painted including 6 classrooms and the front of the high school in Costa Rica.

Construction work included building offices, painting and plastering, improving the plastering and improving the overall infrastructure schools in Tanzania.

Renovated 10 classrooms and 2 nursery playgrounds in Thailand.

Provided play and learning activities during school holidays for 150 children in the village. Supported teaching in 5 local pre-schools and kindergartens in Vietnam.

Provided fun and creative English activities for over 200 students in Fiji.

Over 1500 kindergarten students attending 10 different schools throughout the year were taught basic English by participants in Bali.

Participants helped teach in 3 kindergartens with 300 children in 2023 and donated 120 books and colouring books in Laos.

Approximately 20 children in local kindergartens in the Kandy area are supported with the help of participants in Sri Lanka.

Helped teach basic English in 3 local preschools and kindergartens. – Thailand

Help prepare, serve and clean up food at this special food shop or outreach project that provides low-cost, healthy meals to local people in need to local people in need. Participants helped and served around 79,200 portions in Vietnam.

The South Korea Soup Kitchen project is run by a non-profit organisation. This non-profit organisation provides free meals every day to people in need of food or companionship or society. Contributed 100 hours of work to this programme and helped to over 2,000 meals to our less fortunate neighbours. Often the come from far and wide, as this is their only meal of the day.

More than 20 patients are treated per day with the help of the participants. The number of patients has increased by 20% as a result of the participants’ presence in local hospitals, as they are made aware of the importance of regular check-ups in Kenya.

These are just some of the many projects worldwide!

Some of the local coordinators during the annual meeting in Thailand


Our Happy Customers



I volunteered with Abroad Escape, which was definitely the best trip and the best experience of my life!



The program was a great experience for me. The kids I taught were very smart and happy. They were very willing to learn which was amazing.



I had an amazing time volunteering. I was happy with the whole experience and would love to go back in the future!



Joining the program in wonderful Fiji was great, I had an amazing experience!



I joined in Thailand and I really enjoyed it. It was a nice experience!



It was an awesome experience, and I would love to do it again.



The volunteering was mind expanding and rewarding. The local are the most friendly people I have met anywhere in the world.



The program was good and the support from the coordinator was wonderful. These were the best 2 weeks ever, feeling helpful and special to be part of this program. I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks!



I had a really nice time, I learned a lot about the culture and people. It was actually starting to feel like home. The people and children were very nice to me and I loved doing things with them. Thanks for a great time!



The coordinator provided excellent information including information about the local culture and people. She also gave me lots of information about surrounding places and good places to visit. My coordinator is extremely helpful and has gone above and beyond. During my introduction week, I have been immersed into the culture of Bali. The food and accommodation are brilliant. The food has been freshly prepared by local people and is always delicious.




My experience in Nepal was positive in many ways. The staff is comprised of great people who are fun to work with from beginning till the end. It was fascinating to live among them and experience their lifestyle and traditions. In the past 3 weeks I learned and experience so may beautiful things, memories that will forever be remembered. Thank you for making this once in a lifetime experience happen.




I can honestly say this was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. The volunteering I did was such an enriching experience, All the people I met were so generous, happy to share their lives and experiences and really happy to spend what little time I had with them and so I thank them and your organization for enabling me to do this. I have recommended this program to many people and so I hope I can help to spread the good work you are doing.



Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Participant's Age

Participants taking part in a program should be 18+ years old at the time of arrival. Participants that are below 18 years of age can join our trips with a letter of consent from their parents or legal guardians.

There is no maximum age restriction for our trips. However, all participants need to be mentally and physically fit enough to join our trips and activities independently.

Nevertheless, it is good to know that the majority of the participants are between the age of 18 – 35 years old.

Apply Together

Yes, you can apply with your friends and family. Each member is required to apply separately and give their information. In the application, you can mention your friends’ names or your family member’s names, so that we can make arrangements if you wish to stay together.
If you want to join as a group, please contact us before applying. If you are a group and would like to have a tailor-made program, please contact us with your requirements. We accept and accommodates participants from all walks of life, nationalities, and religions.


The spoken language on all of our trips worldwide is English and therefore all participants need to be able to sufficiently communicate in English. Knowledge of the local language is not required, although it would help you if you would like to immerse more with the locals.

Criminal Background Check

For all our trips a clean Criminal Background Check is a mandatory requirement. No other qualifications or formal experiences are required for the majority of our trips unless this is mentioned specifically inside the description.


All participants are required to be mentally and physically able and fit enough to join the trips. Our trips can be mentally and physically challenging and therefore any physical or mental condition that could affect your participation on the trip should be made known to us in your application. Please don’t hesitate to inquire with us if you have any concerns or doubts.

Other Participants

Many thousands of participants join our trips around the world every year. To be able to meet other participants from all over the world, both on the trips and inside the accommodations, is one of the most valuable aspects while experiencing a trip with us.

The number of participants on a trip will vary depending on the time of the year. Some destinations and trips are naturally more popular and much more bustling than others. While other destinations and trips are more exclusive and unique and only traveled by a few, which lend themselves more for the independent adventurer.

Our trips and volunteer projects are over all year round. However, Summer in the northern hemisphere (June, July, and August) is the most popular time of the year.